Wedding Photography
Eric L. Reeds' Wedding Photography skills and experience come second to none providing the latest and greatest in wedding albums, wall art, and other high quality products.  We do travel for exotic destination weddings.
Eric L. Reed Photography Services
Eric L. Reed takes care to provide our clients high quality services personalized for their unique needs.
Portrait Photography
Eric L. Reed has been providing Fine Portrait Photography for years.  He provides services in our professional studio or on location.  From Engagement Portraits, to Family Portraits, Senior Portraits Etc.  Eric can provide.

Head Shots Etc.
Eric L. Reed provides Head Shots for individuals and groups alike.  He has years of experience in Professional Head Shots, as well as Head Shots for Models and Actors alike.  If you are looking for a fresh look for your business cards or a staple to head your portfolio give us a call today.